Please select the relevant link below depending on whether you would like to search for disclosure information about healthcare professionals (HCPs), healthcare organisations (HCOs), patient organisations or members of the public, or for a specific pharmaceutical company. (HCP search includes individuals defined as Other Relevant Decision Makers (ORDMs). See ABPI Code of Practice for the definition of ORDM.)
When searching for HCP or HCO information, please type the beginning of an individual's first name, last name, address, city, postal code, country, or a healthcare organisation name or address.
Hint: If you are searching for John Graham Smith from Bristol, you can type 'John Graham', 'John Smith', or 'Grah Smith' or 'John, Bristol' using any combination of multiple search criteria.
If you are a healthcare professional or healthcare organisation and have a question about published disclosure data, please log into the private disclosure portal and raise a query.
If you are a patient organisation and have a question about any published links, please contact the relevant pharmaceutical company for more information.
As well as searching the Disclosure UK database, you can also download the full dataset for healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations and explore the data further. Click here to proceed.